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$2 per month

Entry-level supporters exploring the world of Helx

Explorer Badge on Discord
Access to Explorer's Gear
Monthly RP (tiny)
0 members
$5 per month

Explorers charting their course with more involvement

Explorer Badge on Discord
Access to Explorer's Gear
Monthly RP (small)
Game Servers Prio
Product Discount 5%
0 members
$8 per month

Elite members protecting the Helx universe and gaining special insights

Explorer Badge on Discord
Access to Explorer's Gear
Monthly RP (medium)
Game Servers Prio
Product Discount 5%
Helx Sneak Peeks
0 members
$10 per month

Legends who shine, contributing to Helx's future and lore.

Explorer Badge on Discord
Access to Explorer's Gear
Monthly RP (large)
Game Servers Prio
Product Discount 10%
Helx Sneak Peeks
Custom Helx Involvement
2 members
$15 per month

A revered leader within the Helx universe.

Explorer Badge on Discord
Access to Explorer's Gear
Monthly RP (huge)
Game Servers Prio
Product Discount 10%
Helx Sneak Peeks
Custom Helx Involvement
Personal Q&A w/ staff